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One-Off specialised equipment for FlexEquip NDIS Bundle Participants Only
One-Off specialised equipment for FlexEquip NDIS Bundle Participants Only
One-Off specialised equipment for FlexEquip NDIS Bundle Participants Only
Allegro Standing Sling - Large - EQ6706
Backrest - Jay 3 Tall Backrest EQ6578
Care chair - hydraulic - high need - KCare - Air Comfort Deluxe V2 EQ5832
Cushion - foam + Roho high profile - Permobil Roho Corpus Ergo Air EQ5619
Cushion - foam high profile - Spex Classic High Contour EQ5620
Cushion - foam high profile - Spex Classic Standard Contour EQ5632
Cushion - gel high profile - Dreamline STX EQ6199
Cushion - Gel High Profile - Invacare Matrx Libra 46cm x 46cm Cushion EQ6499
Cushion - gel high profile - Supracor Contoured XS Cushion EQ5728
Cushion - gel low profile - EquaGel General EQ5622
Cushion - Roho Contour Select - 46cm x 51cm - EQ6669
Cushion - Roho low profile - Roho Mosaic EQ6287
Electric wheelchair tilt-in-space - mid wheel drive Permobil M1 EQ6594
Foam Bolster - EQ6793
HealthWeight Chair Scale - EQ6663
Hip/Thigh Guides - EQ6282
Hip/Thigh Guides - EQ6283
HoverTech Q2Roller Lateral Turning - EQ6394
Invacare Birdie Evo Hoist Yoke Attachment - EQ6660
Kiefer Neck Collar Float - EQ6717
Liko Sabrina II EE Sit to Stand Lifter - EQ6805
Manual Handling - Immedia SatinSheet System - EQ6608
Manual wheelchair - Self Propelled Brezzy with headrest and elevating leg rests EQ6230
Manual wheelchair - Transit Hero Feather Lite 46cm - EQ6826