Frequently asked questions

Is the assistive technology new or used?
FlexEquip assistive technology aids and items of equipment are part of an equipment library of over 2100 items. These items may be new if newly purchased by FlexEquip for stock but are often used and reissued.
How does FlexEquip manage safety, cleaning and disposal?

Assistive technology safety and cleaning

All assistive technology is checked and cleaned by FlexEquip staff, according to the FlexEquip Safety and Cleaning Protocol, prior to being reissued.


FlexEquip staff conduct regular stocktakes and ongoing audits to identify any items that do not meet current workplace health and safety standards or equipment that no longer meets the needs of people living with progressive neurological disorders.

Each item in the equipment library has been allocated a unique identification number and address label.
It is requested that if you have been provided with an item by FlexEquip that you do not dispose of it unless FlexEquip has been contacted and this has been authorised by FlexEquip.

Who repairs the assistive technology?

It is important that you care for FlexEquip assistive technology loaned or rented to you. You may not make modifications or customise FlexEquip assistive technology.

FlexEquip is responsible for all major maintenance and general repairs of FlexEquip assistive technology. If a FlexEquip aid or equipment item needs repair, contact FlexEquip.

If you have an equipment breakdown outside of FlexEquip working hours and can no longer get the care you need at home please contact your local hospital.

FlexEquip works closely with suppliers and equipment repair services. Only maintenance and repairs authorised by FlexEquip and carrying a FlexEquip order number will be paid for by FlexEquip. Damage to items resulting from misuse, modification or other environmental insult such as smoking will be billed to the client or their representative.

Does FlexEquip provide customised (individualised) assistive technolgy?

It is not possible for FlexEquip to provide custom-made assistive technology. People who would like specific items not held as FlexEquip stock items may need to:

  • purchase their own equipment
  • apply for equipment through EnableNSW, the NSW Government Equipment Service, or the ACT Government Equipment Service.

EnableNSW may be able to help you access custom-made equipment as recommended by a relevant health professional. However, there may be a prolonged waiting period and you may also apply for a short to medium term loan of 'standard' item from FlexEquip whilst the EnableNSW application is being processed.

Can FlexEquip assistive technology be modified?

FlexEquip assistive technology is either loaned or rented and it is important to remember that the item does not belong to the person for their sole indefinite use.

Modifications or customisation of FlexEquip assistive technology are limited only to non permanent modifications

Prior to any modification being considered, approval must be obtained from the FlexEquip Team Leader or Manager of MND NSW Support Services.

Examples of non-permanent modification include:

  • Clamp on individualised back rest for wheelchair
  • Clamp on individualised head rest for wheelchair
  • Speed reprograming of power wheelchair controller - only under guidance of occupational therapist

​For more information please contact FlexEquip.

Does FlexEquip provide Equipment to people in high-level residential care (nursing homes)?

High-level residential care facilities (nursing homes) should provide for most of the assistive technology needs of their residents.

However, FlexEquip may provide to eligible people diagnosed with motor neurone disease or eligible NDIS participants in high-level residential care:

  • some personal communication devices; excluding switch adapted door chimes and FlexEquip Eye Gaze Sets
  • either a power or manual tilt wheelchair set up with a pressure cushion
  • a raiser recliner armchair
  • a Headmaster collar

Provision is conditional on the director of the high-level residential care facility being required to complete the FlexEquip High-Level Residential Care Form agreeing not to use the assistive technology item for other residents and that the facility may be responsible for repair or replacement or costs if the item is damaged by their staff. Delivery of the item cannot take place until the signed form is returned to FlexEquip.

Can I access FlexEquip if I live in the Northern Territory?

FlexEquip provides some assistive technology (aids and equipment) to adults who live in the NT and have a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND). However, items provided through FlexEquip are  limited to smaller assistive technology items which can be posted from NSW.

The following items can be accessed by eligible participants residing in the NT with a referral from the treating Allied Health Professional:

  • Ipad with communication software
  • Switches
  • Switch mounts
  • Bluetooth interface
  • Voice amplifiers
  • Switch adapted call bells

FlexEquip does not offer equipment for trial.

How to Identify FlexEquip assistive technology?
FlexEquip ID

FlexEquip is a service provided by Motor Neurone Disease NSW (MND NSW). Each item of FlexEquip assistive technology has a white adhesive sticker fixed to it in a clearly visible place. The sticker includes MND NSW contact details and the item's unique identification number.

FlexEquip assistive technology aids and items of equipment are allocated a unique identification number and this number is used to track the service/repair history of the item.

The identification sticker assists FlexEquip staff, clients, carers and health professionals easily identify the aid or item. It helps prevent items being returned to the wrong provider.